[Tutor] ANN: Resources for Python Newbies

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Oct 23 13:56:05 CEST 2006

I thought this notice from the python-announce list might be of interest 


ANN: Resources for Python Newbies - a 30 minute video tour of the web (2 
New ShowMeDo videos)
Ian Ozsvald <ian at showmedo.com>
Sun, 22 Oct 2006 16:50:56 +0100
python-announce at python.org, Kyran Dale <kyran.dale at gmail.com>, 
i.m.ozsvald at btinternet.com

Ian Ozsvald (joint founder of ShowMeDo.com) introduces all the usual
Python on-line resources that a new Python programmer should know
about.  The videos cover the main Python sites, news, books, blogs,
community and some of the major projects:

Here I give a 30 minute tour of all the main Python resources that a
programmer should know about.  This is the kind of introduction I'd
give to any new Python programmer when they ask me 'what's out there?'.

Resources covered include the main Python site, Tutorials, Cheeseshop,
ShowMeDo's Python videos, the Cookbook, DiveIntoPython, Daily Python,
several new-programmer blogs, comp.lang.python, books (Beginning
Python, Python in a Nutshell, Dive Into Python, Cookbook) and
five of the larger Python projects.

About ShowMeDo.com:
Free videos (we call them ShowMeDos) showing you how to do things.
The videos are made by us and our users, for everyone.  38 videos
for Python, 71 in total, and the collection is growing.

We'd love to have more contributions - would you share what you know?

The founders,
Ian Ozsvald, Kyran Dale

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