[Tutor] Summing part of a list

Matthew Webber m_webber_sydney at yahoo.com.au
Tue May 9 21:18:20 CEST 2006

Thanks Kent, I liked the generator solution (I knew there had to be
something like that).

-----Original Message-----
From: tutor-bounces at python.org [mailto:tutor-bounces at python.org] On Behalf
Of Kent Johnson
Sent: 09 May 2006 17:54
Cc: tutor at python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Summing part of a list

<< snip >> 

Hmm, must be generator day today. Here is a generator that does what you 

In [1]: data = [(u'gbr', 30505), (u'fra', 476), (u'ita', 364), (u'ger', 
    ...: (u'fin', 6), (u'ven', 6), (u'chi', 3), (u'hun', 3), (u'mar', 3),
    ...: (u'lux', 2), (u'smo', 2), (u'tch', 2), (u'aho', 1), (u'ber', 1)]

In [10]: def summarize(data):
    ....:     sum = 0
    ....:     othersFound = False
    ....:     for item in data:
    ....:             if item[1] > 3:
    ....:                 yield item
    ....:         else:
    ....:             sum += item[1]
    ....:             othersFound = True
    ....:     if othersFound:
    ....:             yield ('OTHER', sum)

In [11]: print list(summarize(data))
[(u'gbr', 30505), (u'fra', 476), (u'ita', 364), (u'ger', 299), (u'fin', 
6), (u'ven', 6), ('OTHER', 17)]

<< snip >>

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