[Tutor] Dynamically naming functions

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Mar 10 20:17:14 CET 2006

> I want to use this in a few different places.  For example Faces, the
> Python Project Management Planner Tool Thingy, uses nested functions to
> put tasks within a project:
> def MyProject():
>     start = "2006-03-06"
>     resource = Me
>     def Task1():
>         start = "2006-03-13"
>     def Task2():
>         effort = "1w"
> I'd like to load these from a database (using SQLObject), but I'm not
> sure how I can define the name of the function from a filed in a
> database (or read in from a text file).

Hi Ed,

If we have a bunch of functions in a module, then we can get at a function
from its string name by using the getattr() built-in function.


For example, let's say that we have a module like the math module.

>>> import math

We know that we can get the function by naming it.

>>> math.sin
<built-in function sin>
>>> math.sin(3.14)

But we can also get it if we have a string:

>>> def getMathFunction(name):
...     return getattr(math, name)
>>> getMathFunction("sin")
<built-in function sin>
>>> getMathFunction("sin")(3.14)

And of course, that string can come from anywhere, including a database.

Does this answer your question?  If you have questions, please feel free
to ask.

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