[Tutor] 'in-place' methods

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sun Feb 19 15:58:37 CET 2006

> [1] Every couple of years, I decide to learn Java, and start going through
> a book -- usually the same book.  It doesn't go long before I say to my
> self, "Gosh, why would I ever want to program this language, anyway?"

I've taught myself Java three times(*), first from the O'Reilly Nutshell 
and then from their 'Learning Java' book (very good, I recommend it) and now
from 'JSP for Dummies' - which is not really Java but uses it a lot...

Unfortunately I have to read a lot of Java at work and very occasionally
actually program in it, but I do not like it at all. But I prefer it to 
COBOL or Perl...

(*)I did the same with SmallTalk but I quite liked it, it just was too big
a paradigm shift in style from Lisp, Object Pascal and C++ first time

Alan G. 

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