[Tutor] installing python on windows and macs

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Feb 6 08:55:30 CET 2006

On Sun, 5 Feb 2006, linda.s wrote:

> I installed python in both Windows and Mac. I am very curious why the
> installation under Mac take so long time compared to that under
> Windows.

Hi Linda,

But that's somewhat odd, because it should take zero time: Python's
already installed under Mac OS X 10.3.  *grin*

Is this a really big problem for you?  Installation is something that
usually happens just once, so I'm sure the Python developers haven't done
anything particularly focused to make installation on any platform
blazingly fast.  So, frankly, as long as the installation worked out ok, I
wouldn't worry too much about this.

Still if this does matter to you, let's see... can you be more specific
about what version of Mac OS and what installation of Python you've tried?
I made a flippant comment above, but I assume that you mean some other
version of Mac OS (perhaps 9?)  In order to evaluate what's happening, we
need details about your system to advise better.  And since your question
is about speed, knowing what kinds of machines we're comparing against
(CPU, RAM) would also be good, since your computer's raw performance is a
significant factor.

You might also want to talk with the MacPython folks, and you can give
them numbers on how long the installation takes. (How long do you mean by
"long"?  Minutes, hours... days?  *grin*)  The folks on the macpython list
might be able to corroborate that your situation is unusual, or they might
be able to point out something that they know as an outstanding issue.
They have a mailing list here:


Good luck to you.

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