[Tutor] A question

Marilyn Davis marilyn at deliberate.com
Sun Feb 5 14:52:53 CET 2006

On Sun, 5 Feb 2006, Bian Alex wrote:

> How can I get a string from a random file.
> For Example:
> Del    ete On   :   Copy
> Owner   :  Bn
> Personalized: 5
> PersonalizedName        :          My    Documents
> I want to get the string after 'Owner' ( In example is 'Bn')
> 'import re' ?

Yes, but maybe it's simpler to use the builtin functions, and slicing:

text = open('the_file').readlines()  <-- now the_file is in text as a string

start = text.find('Owner   :') + 8   <-- start is the index into the text
                                         where Owner starts + 8 to point
                                         to the text you want.
end = text.find('\n', start)         <-- end is where the newline is, after
found = text[start:end].strip()      <-- found has the text you want, with
                                         any spaces stripped off.

I hope it helps.  I didn't test it.

Marilyn Davis

> Pls help.


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