[Tutor] how to use

anil maran anilmrn at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 5 14:55:08 CEST 2006

 the program has several groups
 i hav a table with titles
 and contents are in different table content_table

 each title -> is title_id in content_table

 so every time i display a group, i have to select title and then 
 select all messagesw with title_id

 now the problem is, I have to display more than one group in a single 
 page in cheetah,

 so after displaying the title, i have to now choose the message to display

 since i have a list of [] of messages

 i need to index into them
 so i thought i will make them return a dictionary indexed with URL 
 which is unique

>     anil maran wrote:
>     > list comprehensions to return a dictionary
>     A list comprehension creates a list. Can you explain why you want
>     this?
>     Kent
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