[Tutor] Tutor FAQ?

Mike Hansen mhansen at cso.atmel.com
Fri Apr 21 19:59:04 CEST 2006


> > Maybe this could be integrated with the main Python FAQ in a 
> > beginner's section? Fredrik Lundh is experimenting with a 
> FAQ wiki here:
> > http://pyfaq.infogami.com/
> Actually I put something about this on PyFAQ just the other day. 
> Fredrik was quite keen on the idea, but I've been busy the 
> last couple of days and haven't got around to doing anything about it.
> Mike, if you're volunteering that would be perfect.  If 
> anyone here has ideas for questions that get asked a lot 
> (like "How do I write a program that prints a word 
> backwards") then just posting them in this thread would be a 
> good start.
> I assume Kent, Alan and Danny don't mind their answers being 
> reused in the wiki, but it would probably best to get 
> explicit permission from them (and other people) to re-use 
> text from their answers.
> Ed
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor

Yep, I'm volunteering. Forgive my ignorance, but I couldn't seem to figure
out how to edit/add pages to http://pyfaq.infogami.com/. The tutorial wiki
has the edit, but the pyfaq page doesn't. I am logged in using my reddit

Below is what little I slapped together last night. I copied the content
from the Python tutor mailman page for the first question. 

Python Tutor FAQ
What is Python Tutor?

This list is for folks who want to ask questions regarding how to learn
computer programming with the Python language.

Python (http://www.python.org) is a programming language which many feel is
a good first language, because it makes it easy to express the fundamental
concepts of programming such as data structures and algorithms with a syntax
which many find easy to read and write.

Folks interested in learning about programming with Python are encouraged to
join, as are folks interested in helping others learn. While the list is
called tutor, anyone, whether novice or expert, can answer questions.

If individuals wish to start off-line conversations about a particular
concept and become one-on-one tutor/tutee, that's fine. If either party
wants to summarize what they learned for others to benefit, that's fine too.

There is a searchable interface to archived Tutor messages on Activestate's
web site at

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Tutor
Archives at http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/

Using Tutor
To post a message to all the list members, send email to tutor at python.org

I need help; I'm getting an error in my program. What should I do?

If you are getting an error in your Python program that you don't
understand, post the error message and any relevant code. Post the exact
error message. Don't paraphrase the error message. The error message has
details that can help resolve the issue that caused the error.

What is the policy on homework?

Although those on the Python tutor mail list are eager to help, they don't
want to hand you the answers to your homework. They want to help you find
the answers. If you are having difficulty with your homework, send a message
to the list about the problem and what you have tried. The tutors will try
to nudge you in the right direction.

Why do my replies go to the person who sent the message and not to the list?

This is by design. 
See http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html

Also see this explanation


Unless anyone has any more, I think the above covers the FAQs about the
tutor list.

Here's some of the FAQs that I came across scanning the list:

ord and chr
parsing html beautifulsoup
getters and setters
regex match and find
maxtrix operations
how do I make an exe out of a python script 
what should I program?


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