[Tutor] locations

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Fri Apr 21 17:49:26 CEST 2006

> ---------------------
I have a question. in the LIST M=
If treat them as the locations of 16 points, I want to generate another list
N to hold the corresponding value for each point to its nearest 0.
> ------------------

Your explanation of the problem is clear up to this point, but...

> -----------------------
For example:
the nearest 0 point to M[0][0] is M[1][0], so N[0][0]=1;
> ----------------------

You lost me there, how do you calculate the 1?
Is it the linear distance? The number of hops?
related to the index numbering? I'm confused.

> M[0][1]'s nearest 0 is also at M[1][0], so N[0][1]=2;

Linearly this is root 2 in distance not 2 so I assume you
are counting hops?

> but N[0][3]=3 because 0 at M[2][2] is much nearer;

If you are counting hops then 3 is valid but its only one hop
nearer not *much* nearer!

> -------------------
N should be
> -------------------

Assuming you mean hops... (and there probably is a proper
mathematical algorithm for this.) I would do this:

Locate the first zero(1,1) in this case.
Mark all boxes with their distance to it.
N looks like this (forget the python syntax
for now, focus on the problem):


Can you figure out the algorithm for doing that?

Now find the next zero in M and do the same, except you
only overwrite values where the new value is less than
previously. Thus the values:




when overlaid on the previous matrix.

Which is your required matrix N - QED.

Does that help?

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

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