[Tutor] call a def/class by reference

DS ds-python-tutor at sidorof.com
Thu Sep 29 02:17:40 CEST 2005

Danny Yoo wrote:

>>Thanks for answering my question.  What I'm hoping to avoid is an
>>explicit reference to any of the called functions within the program.
>>By doing it that way, it would avoid a maintenance problem of having to
>>remember to put a reference for every new function in the calling
>In your list of requirements:
>>   1.  gettting the input that consists of a function and its
>>       parameters,
>>   2.  determining if the function is on an approved function list,
>>   3.  executing the function
>>   4.  rinse, repeat.
>the second one is probably the one that needs clarifying.
>How do you know which functions should be callable? Adam's approach to
>expressing that knowledge is to use a dictionary:
>    d = {"foo" : foo}
>And there are many other ways of doing this besides a hardcoded
>Tell us more about what you mean for a function to be "approved", and we
>should be able to suggest practical ways to do what you want.
As far as an "approved" function, what I was imagining was something along
the lines of importing modules where all functions are callable such as

approvedlist = dir(mymodule)

which would give a list of names and then going from there.

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