[Tutor] datetime.date objects from SQL query?

Jan Eden lists at janeden.org
Thu Sep 1 13:33:19 CEST 2005


I use the following query (simplified):

self.dbh.execute("SELECT anreise, abreise FROM buchungen WHERE ferienhaus = '%(ferienhaus)s'" % { 'ferienhaus': ferienhaus} )

Both anreise and abreise are date fields. I initially wrote a little function to turn ISO formatted date strings into a datetime.date object

def StringToDate(datestring):
    year, month, day = datestring.split('-')
    datum = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
    return datum

But it looks as if the value of both anreise and abreise is returned as datetime.date objects automatically! This is great - but how does this happen?


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