[Tutor] new user question about while loops

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Wed Oct 26 10:53:08 CEST 2005

As Danny says, try breaking the problem into chunks and solving
each bit separately. I'll provide a few comments on your code in
the meantime but try the "evolving soluition" approach too.

#assigning variables to track the amount of times heads or tails comes up

AG> Why not make both zero, after all there have been no flips so far!

while flip < 100:

AG> flip is never less than 100 because you set it to 100!
AG> Thus you never enter the loop...

    flip -= 1
    if flip < 100:

AG> And if you did after the first time through you make flip equal 99
AG> so that it will always exit the loop(break) here so it would only run 

AG> Try getting a while loop to run 100 times printing out the loop test 
AG> Or better stuill, since you know how many times you want the lopp to
AG> run use a for loop instead:

AG> for loop in range(100):
AG>     # loop code here

print "\nThe amount of times tails came up was" , tails , "The amount of 
times heads came up was" , heads

AG> But the only values you assign to head/tails are the initial 1 and 0.
AG> Try Danny;'s suggestion of flipping the coin twice...


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

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