[Tutor] pattern matching problem

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu May 26 21:29:43 CEST 2005

On 26 May 2005 cgw501 at york.ac.uk wrote:

> I have to write a function that will return the index of a line like this:
> where it first becomes capital letters. I've had about a hundred
> different ideas of the best way to do this, but always seem to hit a
> fatal flaw.

Hi Chris,

It might be interesting (or amusing) to bring up one of those
fatally-flawed schemes on the Tutor list, so that we know what not to do.

In seriousness, your ideas might not be so bad, and one of us here might
be able to point out a way to correct things and make the approach more
reasonable.  Show us what you've thought of so far, and that'll help
catalize the discussion.

> Any thoughts?

Have you looked into using a regular expression pattern matcher?  A.M.
Kuchling has written a tutorial on regular expressions here:


Would they be applicable to your program?

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