[Tutor] following the chain

Servando Garcia servando at mac.com
Tue May 10 20:37:04 CEST 2005

Thanks to the many hints from the list I have made it to level four, of 
the python challenges.  Many thanks to all.
I truly have been looking for a solid example to follow on the use of 
the URL module.  I don't feel  am using it correctly or I am not 
understanding/using the clue correctly.
Here is how I have been trying to use urlopen()

import urllib
name="some URL"
X = urllib.urlopen(name)
print X

the output of X in very strange to me. I have include the exact output: 
  <addinfourl at 585200 whose fp = <socket._fileobject object at 
Have I used the urlopen() correctly?
What is the meaning of the output?

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