[Tutor] simple question on pywin

Stefan Elwesthal elwis at linuxmail.org
Thu Mar 10 14:24:42 CET 2005

Hi all!

After years out of Python and into java it's kind of nice to get back, with some OOP beneath the belt and look upon Python simplicity again. Indeed this is a nice language I need to learn well :)

To my question, I'm a penguin man but have written some simple COM script using Python on win32 and there are issues when executing it.

If I run it from within PythonWin it's all swell, i get my loginbox, and a messageBox handles me corrct data entries (from an ODBC source)

If I run it from Dos... i get the Dos dialogs with isn't really what I wanted for my raw_input

So, i read somewhere that rename it .pyw on win32 and it'll work. Well, if I do that and doubleclick it.. nothing happens at all... so Nooooo..

Any help is greatly appreciated

Best regards

Stefan - junior snake

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