[Tutor] Saving Entry fields in Tkinter

Adam Cripps kabads at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 10:22:06 CET 2005

I'm writing an application which has rows of Entry fields (created in
a loop - see previous thread; and thanks guys!). All the content of
the Entry fields are accessed through self.contentlist[i].get()

Now I'm trying to save the content of those fields in a friendly
format. I've used pickle in the past, but experienced problems with
pickling Tkinter widgets.

I'm saving using this method :- 

for i in self.contentlist:
    saving = i.get() + "\n"

which creates a text file with each entry field separated with a "\n". 

What would be a good way to open this file and re-populate the entry
fields with the content?  I'm not sure how to parse the text according
to the \n separator.

Am I going down the right path here? 

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