[Tutor] HELP: wxPython, adding items to combo box?

Aaron Elbaz flamesrock at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 08:56:43 CEST 2005

The simplest way I can explain this:
I have a settings wxPython settings dialog, which contains a 'servers' combo 
box. I also have a shelf object that 'remembers' values entered into the 
ComboBox. The current value is stored as shelf['SERVER'] and the old values 
are kept in a list at shelf['OLD_SERVERS'].

The idea is to keep a history of all servers entered into the combo box. So 
when you click apply changes:

def save_settings(self):
d = shelve.open(self.SETTINGS_FILE)
if d.has_key('SERVER') and d.has_key('OLD_SERVER') and \
d['SERVER'] != self.server_combo_box.GetValue():
d['SERVER'] = self.server_combo_box.GetValue()
d['OLD_SERVER'] = [self.server_combo_box.GetValue()]
d['SERVER'] = self.server_combo_box.GetValue()

def on_apply_changes(self, event):

When I load the settings dialog, it should execute:
def __set_properties(self):
# begin wxGlade: SettingsDialog.__set_properties
self.SetTitle("SimNet Settings")
# end wxGlade

if os.path.exists(self.SETTINGS_FILE):
d = shelve.open(self.SETTINGS_FILE)
if d.has_key('OLD_SERVER'):
counter = 2
for x in d['OLD_SERVER']:
if x != d['SERVER']:
counter = counter + 1

Causing the 'history' of old servers to load at position 'counter'. Only, 
this isn't working! Am I doing something wrong
or have I discovered some sort of bug in wxPython (2.6.0)?


A man convinced against his will
is still of the same opinion
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