[Tutor] Print record x in a file

David Holland davholla2002 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jan 22 22:58:01 CET 2005

This will get a random record 
I hope you do not think the comments are patronising
but you did say you are new so I did not want to give
naked code.

import random
#the above gives the program the ability to get a
#pseudo random number
file = open('test.rantxt')
listcontents = file.readlines()
#gives you the file as a list of records or it did on
#(assuming each line is a record)
lenoflist = len(listcontents)-1
#find the length of the list and take one of because
computers count from 0
x = random.randrange(0,lenoflist)
print listcontents[x]

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