[Tutor] Input to python executable code and design question

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Jan 10 03:00:34 CET 2005

jfouhy at paradise.net.nz wrote:
> Quoting Ismael Garrido <ismaelgf at adinet.com.uy>:
>>(Newbie looking scared) That's kind of hard for me... Parsing it myself
>>is too complex for me. Also, I hoped Python's math would do the job for
>>me, so I wouldn't have to make what's already done in Python.
> Writing  (and understanding) grammar is probably easier than you think --- once
> you get over the syntax.  And they are fantastically useful things for doing any
> sort of parsing.  But no matter..

If you are interested in learning about parsing, I suggest looking at pyparsing - it is IMO the 
easiest of the Python parsing frameworks. It has an example that implements a four-function 
calculator so that would get you off in the right direction.



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