[Tutor] Am I storeing up problems ?

Dave S pythontut at pusspaws.net
Sun Jan 2 19:38:54 CET 2005

Hi there again,

My matrix 'self.data' consists of a list of 110 items, each item is a 
dictionary of 250 keys, each key holds two lists, one of four items, one 
of 12 items.

I needed to copy this matrix to 'self.old_data', so I have been using 
.deepcopy(), which works OK but is SLOW .... (12+ secs)

Once the matrix is copied, 'self.data' is re-constructed as the 
programme gathers data.

To speed things up I changed my code to

# This is the speeded up deepcopy()
self.old_data = self.data
self.data = []
for i in range(110):
Query: Is all this OK, it works and quick as well, but I am concerned I 
may be leaving garbage in the Python PVM since I am shrugging off old 
'self.old_data's which may be mounting up ?


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