[Tutor] where do we use acquisition ?

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Feb 7 21:43:42 CET 2005

Hi Chandu,

Ah, so you're looking into "environmental acquisition".  I think the
reason you're asking about on Tutor is because one of the most visible
deployments of acquisition has been in the Zope web framework.

But just because Zope is written in Python doesn't mean that acquisition
is a concept that's exclusive to Python.  If you would like to learn more,
here's a link to a really nice web site on acquisition:


It appears to house a lot of the accumulated knowledge on acquisition.
Because this topic is very specialized, we probably won't be able to do
any justice to it on Python-tutor.  The acquisition web site linked above
should give you references for why it's cool, and what communities you can
talk with to learn more about it.

Best of wishes to you!

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