[Tutor] try except continue

tpc247@gmail.com tpc247 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 23:00:51 CEST 2005

hi guys, so I've been running through Alan's code, and for a while I
suspected that the try block must be the first line of code after the
loop in order to be executed.  The reason I say this is I wanted to
see for myself Alan's assertion that the continue skips to the next
iteration, instead of continuing with the rest of the try block, so I
did the following:

def f():
	if error:
		raise ValueError
		print "I'm in f()"

def g():
	print "I'm in g()"

def h():
	error = True
	print "error is: ", error
	n = 5
	while n:
		print "n is: ", n
		n -= 1
		except ValueError:
			error = False

and I got the following as output:

>>> h()
error is:  True
n is:  5
n is:  4
n is:  3
n is:  2
n is:  1

I gathered that since I didn't see the output of f() and g(), then
those two functions must have never executed, and thus the try block
must have never executed.  However, when I moved the try block to be
the first line after the loop:

def h():
	error = True
	print "error is: ", error
	n = 5
	while n:
		except ValueError:
			error = False
		print "n is: ", n
		n -= 1

I got the following as output:

>>> h()
error is:  True

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#365>", line 1, in -toplevel-
  File "<pyshell#364>", line 9, in h
    except ValueError:

and I actually had to press Ctrl-C to stop the never terminating
program.  I simply wanted to confirm Alan's assertion that continue
will cause the loop to skip to the next iteration, but it seems I
can't seem to get my f() and g() to print even though they were able
to before.  Am I doing something wrong ?

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