[Tutor] names (fwd)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Sep 3 09:45:05 CEST 2004

> was looking for. I do have 1 more question though. I am trying to
learn this
> but have no computer experience except being a user. Can anyone
> book or something to help me out with the meaning of things like (),

OK, () is pretty fundamental, and most beginners tutorials should
explain the use of parens. But __str__ is pretty advanced and not
something you need to worry about for a long time yet. In fact I
think that in 7 years of Python use I've only directly used
__str__ once!

While there are several tutorials for absolute beginners I am
obviously most interested in the shortcomings of mine! So if
you want to try using it let me know when you come across anything
you don't think I have explained. I'll then add it and so the tutor
gets better for everyone... :-)

> . Even the beginner stuff is way over my head at this point. Or is
> something that you get used to in time? Again thank you for the

You can get used to it but there's no reason you can't have it
explained too. I certainly try to explain those kinds of basic

As I say there are several other tutorials around but you do
have the advantage that I read the tutor list! :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

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