[Tutor] Commenting lines in modified files

Joseph Odegbami jodegbami at amadeus.net
Fri Nov 5 10:31:15 CET 2004

I am quite new to Python, have written a few useful parsers and have found
it very powerful indeed.

However, working on XEDIT on MVS I came across a macro that add comments to
lines in a file that has just been modified.

Now, I thought it will be a very good idea to have something similar in a
PC environment.
You open a source file, modify it and run a python script against it to
indicate all the lines that have just been modified with a preassigned
Is there anything in Python out there that does something similar or that I
can start from to implement such, or any ideas that you have will be
very much appreciated as I don't even know where to begin.

Best Regards,

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