[Tutor] NT lockouts when spawning psexec from a multithreaded program?

R. Alan Monroe amonroe at columbus.rr.com
Tue Mar 23 16:40:30 EST 2004

Does anyone have any clue why my accounts get intermittently locked
out when spawning psexec from a multithreaded Python program?

I have a domain admin account in each of about a dozen domains. They
all have the same username. I'm using the threading module, and each
new thread spawns a .cmd file (using os.system() ) which runs psexec
(the free utility from Sysinternals) as a domain\user.

It's the first time I've tried threading - am I doing something
obviously wrong? I'm running the main python script on my 2k
workstation - would 2k server act any differently? The target server
list is a mix of NT and 2k boxes, about 400 of them.

I'm limiting the number of threads,
while threading.activeCount() < MAXCONCURRENT:
I started with a MAXCONCURRENT of 30, bumping it down to 9 didn't
help. I would really hate to run them all sequentially. Has anyone
tried this before?


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