[Tutor] Using python for building dynamic websites

RenderPipe renderpipe at speedpost.net
Mon Feb 9 16:53:10 EST 2004

> So far, so good. I assume you mean this:
> http://www.modpython.org/live/current/doc-html/inst-testing.html

Yeah, that's it.

> How did you configure mod_python to support that kind of
> code? I think you need to use the cgihandler to be able to
> use "print" to show data, but your attempt to use the
> request object, which you don't seem to have defined, makes
> me guess that you have misunderstood something fundamental.

I sure did misunderstand the fundamentals. I'm having a difficult time
understanding the mod_python docs.
I'll read it a couple of more times and pray that it sinks in.

I found something that does almost what I want:

I was able to create a python file and output the contents to html via a
All I have left to do is figure out how I can grab data from a form,
cookies and create 
paginated database results and I think I'll be all set. I think this is
where mod_python comes into play.

I did check out the other web applications like spyce and stuff. I'm not
sure it's what I'm looking for but I'll try them out to be sure.

Thanks to everyone for your feedback.


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