[Tutor] Python 2.4 IDLE Windows 2000

Mike Hansen mhansen at cso.atmel.com
Thu Dec 2 15:20:19 CET 2004

I'm pretty sure that there isn't any firewall software running on the 

I do get a blank window when I run the commands below, so Tkinter seems 
to be working.

This is strange since IDLE in Python 2.3.4 was working fine.

Thanks for the help. I welcome any other ideas.


Danny Yoo wrote:

>>Also, If you can start up the console version of Python, try executing the
>>>>>import Tkinter
>>>>>root = Tkinter.root()
>Doh.  Sorry, I should have tested that.  The commands should actually be:
>>>>import Tkinter
>>>>root = Tkinter.Tk()
>You should see a small, blank window pop up if Tkinter is working

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