[Tutor] Python + ioctl + Windows HOWTO?

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 28 13:29:18 EST 2003

On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Javier JJ wrote:

> The sw we develop at the company I work for sets up quite a number of
> "new" device drives in Windows, and as part of the testing process I'd
> need to be able to "query" them about their state and suchlike. The
> "interface" for doing so involves opening "device files" (of the form
> \\.\Device\CDCrypto) and sending them ioctls to query their state.
> I've been searching / googling for ioctl, and the only mentions I've
> seen are to UNIX-specific modules such as fcntl. My question is, is it
> possible to use similar functions / modules in windows? If so, how?

Hi Javier,

According to the documentation at:


the ioctl() call in there is a Unix call, so it probably won't work on

> PS: Also, is there any "pre-built" "sw-testing" framework developed in
> Python. I'm not refering to "unit testing" for Python code, but a way of
> "plugging-on" tests and specifying dependencies so that I'd only have to
> worry about what tests to write / how to test things.

I have to profess complete ignorance on these topics.  You may want to ask
your question on the main Python newsgroup, comp.lang.python.  That
newsgroup enjoys a wide readership, and the folks there should be better
able to point you toward a good answer.

My apologies!

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