[Tutor] long-to-string

Jimmy verma jim_938 at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 20 15:32:39 EDT 2003

Thanks a lot for responding.  I am able to get what i was looking for. I 
have packed the long no again in order to get the required string. Can you 
please explain a bit more on this. Though I got the result but have not 
understood properly why it happened. I converted my string to a long with 
the function i wrote. and same thing can be done with unpack.

>The conversion to a long (which you already did) can also be
>written as:
> >>> struct.unpack( ">l", 'oMAP' )

>and since we only want the first thing, we write:
> >>> struct.unpack( ">l", 'oMAP' )[0]
>Which leads me to think that the conversion from a long to the
>string could be expressed as:
> >>> struct.pack( ">l", 1867333968 )

What happened here???? Not fully clear!!!

Waiting for your expert suggestions.

Thanks again for your kind support.

With best regards,


PS:  Sorry for a bit of hurry in sending my mail again.

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