[Tutor] lists and s.split

Not Important oplin_eater@yahoo.com
Fri Mar 21 06:39:01 2003

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i am trying to create a script that will make dirs for a part of a selected file name using string.split but can only make it work for one file name not many 

import os
import string


list = os.listdirs("dir")

for name in list
    dir_name string.split(name " - ")[1]

i can only get dir_name to represent on of the file names in directory but i would like it to be a list of all the names 

how if possible. 

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<P>i am trying to create a script that will make dirs for a part of a selected file name using string.split but can only make it work for one file name not many </P>
<P>import os<BR>import string</P>
<P>list = os.listdirs("dir")</P>
<P>for name in list<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dir_name string.split(name " - ")[1]</P>
<P>i can only get dir_name to represent on of the file&nbsp;names in directory&nbsp;but i would like it to be a list of&nbsp;all the names </P>
<P>how if possible.&nbsp;</P><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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