[Tutor] Executing a program from within a Python Program

Henry Steigerwaldt hsteiger@comcast.net
Fri Mar 14 11:39:01 2003

To All:

I asked a similar question in the past and did get a response,
but now that I have tried to do what was mentioned, I can't get it
to work.

For example, the following code indeed starts the Windows
Wordpad program without a problem:

     import os
     os.system("start wordpad.exe")

But when I attempt to start a program like Paint Shop Pro that
is NOT part of Windows, I get an error that Python cannot
find the program, examples:

     import os
     os.system("start c:\\program files\\jasc software inc\\paint shop pro

I even tried it with just one slant, as...

     import os
     os.system("start c:\program files\jasc software inc\paint shop pro

The Paint Shop Pro program (i.e. the executable psp.exe) is indeed in the
directory I
listed in the above examples.

Can anyone tell me how to start up this program that is not part of
Windows from within a Python program?

Please also send any response to my email address directly.

Thanks much!

Henry Steigerwaldt
Hermitage, TN
Email:  hsteiger@comcast.net