[Tutor] languages

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jun 16 15:37:36 2003

> I don't expect that school to employ good teachers, simply because
> course offerings betray a lack of clue. COBOL and A+? Where are Perl
> Python?

For a trade school COBOL is an excellent choice(as is VB.NET)
because those markets will employ people without degrees. In
fact in the UK the majority of COBOL programmers come through
that route. They program up the flowcharts (yes really!) that
the designers give them...

And Vis C++ just might get a very talented individual into a
games programming shop where again many of the employees are
self taught. Although with degrees in computer games now
available I expect that to change.

However the inclusion of A+ does make me wonder...

Alan G.