[Tutor] files question

Michael Janssen Janssen@rz.uni-frankfurt.de
Thu Jan 23 17:30:01 2003

Hello ,

i've copied and pasted Ron's code, but it doesn't compile, because the
indentation whitespaces arn't spaces nor tabs. It's character number 160.

Does anyone know where this characters come from? Ron, could you supply
code with real spaces (On a sidenote: you trigger spamassassin's
MIME_EXCESSIVE_QP test doe to exessive Quoted-Printable with mails like
this)? And also the initially content of testing.txt?

On first sight i guess you should say
     join_up = string.join(hold[x], '\t')
     join_up = join_up + "\n"  # you can do this in one step..

instead of:
     hold[x].append('\n') # --> ["1","2","3","\n"]
     join_up = string.join(hold[x], '\t') # --> "1\t2\t3\t\n"

did you see what happens?
