[Tutor] Implementation Help Request on Game of Life

Max Romantschuk max@provico.fi
Thu Jan 2 07:50:05 2003

Quoting Michael Janssen <Janssen@rz.uni-frankfurt.de>:
> You need a PlayField class (which contains the methods to manipulate the
> entire playground), a row class (which can be done with a python list) and
> a SingleField class with the methods of a single cell:

Thanks :) Actually, I already had a PlayField containing Cells, so Rows are a 
logical addition... it all seems to make sense now ;)

> what's this Game of Life is about?

It's too vast a subject to explain here, but this looks like a good 

Also just google and you'll find all sorts of stuff:

  Thanks for the help!
Max Romantschuk