[Tutor] Tkinter and IDLE2.2

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed Jan 1 15:57:06 2003

> Thanks to you both for attending to this. Y'know the funny - and
> confusing - thing for me about this is that I can invoke IDLE and it
> runs Python 2.2c1 and I can do that from either the command line (typing
> IDLE2.2) or from a launcher that I have added to my gnome panel.

Different versions of Python try not to step on each others toes by
keeping their libraries in separate directories.

> Reason would suggest that if I can do it once then I should be able to
> call it up for python2.2.2 - but that is where the problems are. I
> obviously have the Tkinter library(libraries),

Ah, but most libraries are split up into two separate parts: there's a
"functional" part that actually does the work of the library, and then
there's a "development" part that's used only by programmers or for people
who compile their own software.  Development packages typically include
things like C header "include" files, if you're familiar with C.

(By the way, you'll typically find development header stuff in the
directory '/usr/include' on many Unix systems.)

Linux distributions typically place these into separate packages for
space-saving reasons.  (Actually, I've noticed that the latest Red Hat
Linux versions don't appear to do this anymore.)  I think what's going on
is that you do have the libraries, but not the development add-ons that
Python needs to work with Tk.

Can you tell us what Unix distribution you're using?  We can probably
pinpoint good instructions for setting up the development libraries, but
we really need more information about your system.