[Tutor] Need mouse cursor readout for text placement in program

Henry Steigerwaldt hsteiger@comcast.net
Sun Feb 9 16:09:02 2003

To All:

I have been able to generate a canvas and place text on the 
canvas in Python like I was able to do in Tcl/Tk. But
unlike the Tcl/Tk program, I am still unable to produce a
mouse readout for easier text placement.

A cursor readout allows one to determine precisely the
x and y coordinates on the canvas where the mouse 
is located at any moment in time. In order to place text
precisely at certain locations, rather than spend a long time
via trial and error, I want to get the x and y values via a
mouse cursor readout. 

Once I know the precise x and y locations, I can then hard 
code this into the program code for text placement. 

By the way, just the other day I asked a question and
several people quickly responded.

Thanks much for a list like this. I just marvel at how 
easy programming comes to some people. I am 

To anyone that responds, please also send a copy to
my email address:  hsteiger@comcast.net

Thanks again and have a good day. 

Henry Steigerwaldt
Hermitage, TN