[Tutor] Python Compiler [cross compiling from Linux?]

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Aug 1 15:22:02 2003

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Michie DeBerry wrote:

> I was wondering if there is a program, for linux, that will look at a
> python script, and then generate a standard .exe file for windows. I
> have looked at py2exe, but it is for windows.

Hi Michie,


Doing a "cross-compiling" of a Windows .EXE on a Linux system is an
advanced topic.  I'm not sure if anyone here can help you with it. You may
want to ask on the comp.lang.python newsgroup and see if anyone else has
tried to do it.

There are a few pages out there that explain how to do a cross-compiling.
For example:


explains that the 'mingw32msvc' tools at:


may be able to help.  Perhaps there's a way of massaging something like
McMillan's Installer package:


to use the mingw tools when it generates an executable.  There was a brief
discussion of using Installer on the Adonthell mailing lists:


so that might be a viable way of doing this.

If you can't tell: I'm being very hesitant and handwavy about this because
I've never tried this before... *grin* Again, you may want to ask your
question on comp.lang.python; there should be people there who have more
cross-compiling experience there.

Good luck to you!