[Tutor] What would you say is the best way to continue learning python

Danny danny@i4.net
Sat, 21 Sep 2002 14:25:32 -0600

Hello and good afternoon everyone.

I have now just about completed the book learn python in 24 hours although I
have learned a lot I still feel very lost I have also read through the tutor
and some of the doc's included in python and even downloaded them all in PDF
format I still feel lost even considering that what else can I read or do to
continue my learning process so I can be as good as most of you in very good
time of course.  Thanks for you time and consideration in my learning
process Oh before I forget I have bought a lot of C++ books I want to learn
that as well could those help me any in python. Thanks again and talk to you
all again soon thanks

Sincerely Danny D