[Tutor] Re: Factory classes (etc)

Scot W. Stevenson scot@possum.in-berlin.de
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 10:20:25 +0200

Hello Magnus, 

Thank you for the long answer!

> Your spray can example is neither an "Abstract Factory" nor a "Factory
> Method" I'm afraid. Both the "Abstract Factory" and "Factory Method"
> patterns return instances of _different_classes_ depending on the
> situation. 

I knew it was too good to be true =8). 

> # Factory function for symmetrical shapes
> def getSymmetricalShape(x, y, size, corners=0, angle=0):
>      assert type(corners) == type(1) and (corners == 0 or corners > 1)
>      if corners == 0:
>          return Circle(x, y, size)
>      elif corners == 2:
>          return Line(x, y, size, angle)
>      elif corners == 3:
>          return Triangle(x, y, size, angle)
>      elif corners == 4:
>          return Square(x, y, size, angle)
>      else:
>          return RegularPolygon(x, y, size, sides, angle)

Ah, now I understand. Just as an aside, if I were to really programm 
something like this (which is certainly the best way to understand the 
principle), would I want to use a if-elif-else construct like above, or 
rather a dictionary such as:

shapes = {0: Circle, 2: Line, 3: Triangle, [...]}

and then do a 

shapes[corners](x, y, size, angle)

which would assume that Circle doesn't go balistic if it is suddenly handed 
an angle. Again, I'm glad you did it this way here, because it is easier 
to understand. 

> This is a bit strange, since the Pattern
> movement (in software design) started among SmallTalkers, and SmallTalk
> is dynamically typed--I don't know enough SmallTalk to explain this. 

Does anybody actually _use_ SmallTalk for production code, or is it one of 
those teaching languages that revolutionized various concepts but never 
made it in the market (sort of like Multics [sp] vs. Unix, or the League 
of Nations vs. the United Nations, or for that matter, "Buffy" the Film 
vs. "Buffy" the TV series)?

> I'm not saying that the ideas in GoF are overly complex, but I think
> it would have been a much thinner book if the Gang of Four had used
> Python...

Are there any common patterns that are missing by today's standards? I'm 
thinking about the Borg "non-pattern" described in the "Python Cookbook" - 
I can't believe that seven years later, the GoF is still state of the 

Thanks again,
Y, Scot

  Scot W. Stevenson wrote me on Thursday, 5. Sep 2002 in Zepernick, Germany   
       on his happy little Linux system that has been up for 1903 hours       
        and has a CPU that is falling asleep at a system load of 0.08.