[Tutor] importing variable contents, and variable naming problms

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Sun, 01 Sep 2002 08:34:30 +0200

At 12:49 2002-08-31 +1200, Thomi Richards wrote:
>ok, I'll explain.. I have a program, which has a directory under it
>called species/. under this dir the END USER creates some modules, which
>define the species behavior. however, i don't know what they are going
>to call their species, they could call it 'lion', or they could call it
>'blahblahlongname', however, no matter what it is called, i need to
>import it. using os.listdir, i can add the correct directories to the
>sys.path list, but i now need to import the species/lion/lion.py file.
>of course, i don't know that it will be called 'lion.py' before the
>program starts , so i cannot hard code this in.. does that make any


But you know the contents of each module, right? I.e. what
variables, classes, functions etc it contains?

You have two big problems, name-clashes and incorporating
unpredictable variable names. You don't want any of that.

And what happens if someone would create a species called
sys, os or sockets? I think you need to use some kind of
prefix to your filenames to be certain--even if you avoid
all other name clashes.

Then you place all your modules in a list or dict.

Untested code follows:

import os
directory =3D '/some/path/'
prefix =3D 'species_'
moduleNames =3D [fileName for fileName in os.listdir(directory)
                         if fileName.startswith(prefix)]
speciesModules =3D {}
for modName in moduleNames:
     speciesName =3D modName[len(prefix):]
     exec("import %s as speciesModules[%s]" % (modName, speciesName))

Now you have a dictionary of modules, keyed by animal name.

If they all have the attribute "maxWeight" you can list the
max weights in alphabetical order for the species as:

speciesNames =3D speciesModules.keys()
print "%15s|%8s" % ('Species', 'Weight')
for name in speciesNames:
     print "%15s|%8i" % (name, speciesModules[name].maxWeight)

Magnus Lyck=E5, Thinkware AB
=C4lvans v=E4g 99, SE-907 50 UME=C5
tel: 070-582 80 65, fax: 070-612 80 65
http://www.thinkware.se/  mailto:magnus@thinkware.se