[Tutor] Re:[Tutor]Question on python (fwd)

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Nov 21 04:08:03 2002

Hi Sachin,

Forgive me: I need to sleep.  *grin*

I'm almost positive, though, that on the other side of the globe, there's
are Python tutors who can help answer your question.  Whenever you're
replying to something posted on Tutor, it's often a good idea to keep the
conversation on the list, so that people are free to jump in at any time.

I will forward your question to the rest of the Tutor list.

Danny Yoo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 06:36:17 +0530
From: sachin mehra <bindas_qwerty@hotmail.com>
To: dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Re:[Tutor]Question on python

hi Danny,
> > tr -cs '[:alpha:]' '[\n*]' < *.txt | uniq -c | sort -rm | more

>Take a look at the documentation on the 'uniq' command; the 'man' page on
>your system should explain why 'uniq' behaves in this way.

This command I have used has worked allright for me!!I ran a text with this
command & it gave me count of all the unique words in that text & the words

So for the useage of popen(command[, mode[, bufsize]]).. ..is there a
specific buffer size?


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