[Tutor] Recommend a good intro book to Objective C ?

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Fri Nov 15 13:43:27 2002

Brad Cox original book is still available and is the definitive 
reference. However it won't help that much if they are aiming 
to program Cocoa! For that they need to know the class library 
above all else...

Alan g

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patricia Lee [mailto:greymalkin@neuralust.com]
> Sent: 13 November 2002 17:44
> To: zope-mosx; Tutor
> Subject: [Tutor] Recommend a good intro book to Objective C ?
> Can anyone recommend a good intro book to Objective C.  The 
> target of this
> book is not myself, but a person with knowledge of C, Java... 
> Who has gone
> through some of a computer science degree and generally knows 
> what he's
> talking about.  
> He has the O'Reilley book on learning Cocoa, but doesn't like 
> it.  The book
> assumes that the user has more Objective C knowledge than he 
> does... So
> hence the request about the "intro to Objective C" book...
> Thanks - Patti