[Tutor] little something in the way of file parsing

Erik Price erikprice@mac.com
Sat, 20 Jul 2002 17:27:03 -0400

On Saturday, July 20, 2002, at 05:13  PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

> I'm somewhat serious about this!  If anyone would like to point to a
> particular bit of Python code that looks interesting, perhaps we can
> discuss how it works on Tutor.  I'm convinced that programs should be
> treated as literature.  I think the analogy to a written piece of work
> does work, especially since many programs need to be rewritten and
> revised... *grin*
> Knuth takes this literary approach with "The Stanford Graphbase", where
> source code and commentary are joined together; it's quite nice.

I think it's a good idea.  I just wrote up a developer's guide to the 
[PHP] application I wrote over the past six months, and I basically 
provide a light commentary of each individual script, following the path 
of execution and explaining the functions in English (as opposed to the 
shorthand used in comments).  The source was commented too, but this 
will hopefully help the person who has to read the code next.

I would definitely be interested in learning from such a "digest", 
except that I am not very familiar with any Python projects to dissect.
