[Tutor] Request Timeout

Lloyd Kvam pythontutor@venix.com
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 08:31:27 -0500

I have been to sites that do sometimes take a long time to return results.

Network Group Services

I believe there is a way for the web server to return a "keep-alive" so the browser
does not time out.  Unfortunately, I do not know where to send you to
get documentation on this.  I presume it is part of HTTP 1.1.

[repeated because the first try used the wrong reply-to address.]

dman wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 06:05:24PM -0800, Titu Kim wrote:
> | I am writing a cgi script in python which  posts a
> | query to Oracle db. WHen the query takes long time, my
> | browser get timeout message. How can i fix this
> | problem to avoid timeout? I am not sure which side
> | issue timeout(either browser, apache, or python cgi
> | script). How can i fix this problem to make browser
> | waits as long as it takes for oracle to return result?
> | Thanks.
> It's the browser that times out -- it figures the web server ain't
> there if it's not saying anything.  The best solution is to use some
> sort of persistant handler with a pool of db connections.  When a
> request arrives it is given to a running process (persistant cgi, zope
> object, whatever middleware you choose) that already has a connection
> to Oracle.  Thus the time to create a connection is eliminated.
> (a not-really-a-solution solution is to increase the timeout values in
> your browser, but then every visitor of your site has to do that too)
> HTH,
> -D

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358
