[Tutor] RE: HTTPLib and POST problem with '?'

A printers@sendme.cz
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 07:00:03 +0100

>In the light of the meta-principle "be conservative in what you 
generate, and >liberal in what you accept", I think a server 
should probably accept a >(probably-incorrect) mix of both, 
and try to do something sensible; but a >client (e.g., httplib) 
should never generate the mix. 
I would like to thank you all who tried to answer my question 
but yet I did not receive any good solution.
If you use a client like MS Explorer and use a sniffer you can 
see that this client also sends posting script in a form
The same is true about PERL( LWP module). Does it mean 
PERL is better??
And as an example you can check 

You will not be probably post successfully if you send 
form like

that is without '?'
ANd this is not the only example
So, Can anyone help me?
