[Tutor] making proigress

andy surany mongo57a@comcast.net
Tue Dec 17 01:36:33 2002

Hi Kirk,

I just tried the logic in question (aliasline.find(listname+':/"')==-1)
and the expression works fine (python 2.2.1). Note that I simply tried
it in python command line using a string variable versus reading a line
in the file.

Being not much more than a newbie myself, you might try the same thing.
Go to your command line and execute the basic logic. Won't take you more
than a minute to write - and you can determine whether this is a 1.5.2
problem or not.

Here is the logic I used:

import string
a='jjj ok:/" lll'
a.find(listname+':/"') # You get an answer of 4 here
a='jjj kkk'
a.find(listname+':/"') # You get an answer of -1 here
a.find(listname+':/"') # You get an answer of -1 here



-----Original Message-----
From: Kirk Bailey <idiot1@netzero.net>
To: tutor@python.org <tutor@python.org>
Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 1:02 AM
Subject: [Tutor] making proigress

>OK, I added some code.
>f1 = open('./lists/aliases.tinylist','r')       #180 open the aliases
>f2 = open('./lists/aliases.new','w')    # and a temp file
> while 1:                                # create a loop
>         aliasline=string.strip(f1.readline())   #
>                 print aliasline,'\n<br>'        ###TESTCODE###
>                 if aliasline=="":
>                 break                   # break the loop!
>                 if aliasline.find(listname+':/"')==-1:  # if this is
>                                    f2.write(aliasline+"\n")#
>                 f1.close()                              # close the
>                 f2.close()                              #190
>and I got this error:
>Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "/www/www.tinylist.org/cgi-bin/TLlistkill2.py", line 187, in ?
>     if aliasline.find(listname+':/"')==-1: # if this is NOT
>AttributeError: 'string' object has no attribute 'find'
>Advice? this is python 1.5.2, is this important?
>              Kirk D Bailey
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