[Tutor] TKinter and IDLE problem

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Tue Dec 10 18:15:03 2002

At 15:51 2002-12-10 -0700, Poor Yorick wrote:
>I've been doing a lot of Tkinter programming in Idle on Windows 2000, and 
>I've found that the easiest way to proceed is to keep a DOS window open to 
>the folder where my python source file is, and follow this sequence:
>alt+f-s (saves the tkinter program in the idle window)
>alt-lefttab-<enter> (switches to the command window)
><up arrow>-<enter> (recalls the previous dos command, something like 
>"python myprogram.py"
>alt-lefttab<enter> (when the Tkinter program finishes to get back to the 
>Idle edit window)

And the great thing is that this works equally well
with wxPython or any other GUI tool kit that won't
play well at all with IDLE.

If you save with Ctrl-S instead, it also works with
PythonWin. (I can hardly imagine working without a
folding editor any longer.)

The problem is that graphical debugging of a GUI program
might be difficult. I just tested Boa Constructor, and
that is the first environment I tested that worked as I
expected for debugging wxPython programs. I don't know
what to use for Tkinter programs though...

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
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