[Tutor] Generating sigs with Python for fun and education

Prahlad Vaidyanathan slime@vsnl.net
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 10:00:35 +0530


On Tue, 13 Aug 2002 Scot W. Stevenson spewed into the ether:
> Hello J"o, 
> > You know about fortune?
> Yes, but the entries can be terribly long sometimes, everybody has it, and 

    There is an option "-s", to allow only short fortunes.

> I don't feel like rewriting it in Python just yet =8). Somehow I like the 

    Well, you don't have to. There is a python version of
fortune, and strfile lying around somewhere. I downloaded it
recently, but I don't remember the exact link. Google around if
your are interested.

    While we are on the topic, there is also a very nice project,
called "Linux One-Stanza Tip" (LOST). It is quite cool, and
*very* educative for newbies and old hats alike.



Prahlad Vaidyanathan  <http://www.symonds.net/~prahladv/>

Imbalance of power corrupts and monopoly of power corrupts absolutely.
		-- Genji