[Tutor] Strange join syntax

Paul Sidorsky paulsid@shaw.ca
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 13:56:11 -0600

Scot Stevenson wrote:

> While talking about list reverse, you gave an example that included
> > drow = ''.join(wordlist)
> I tried this construction myself, and I see that it works, but I'm not
> sure if I understand what is happening here. My docs [Python 2.1.1, yes
> I'll be updating when I have time to install SuSE 8.0] say:

I guess the no-nonsense explanation is this:

String objects have member methods.
String constants are string objects.
String constants have member methods.

You probably understand this part already but just in case, there's the
answer.  As for join itself:

> =================
> join(words[, sep]) 
> Concatenate a list or tuple of words with intervening occurrences of sep.
> The default value for sep is a single space character. It is always true 
> that "string.join(string.split(s, sep), sep)" equals s. 
> =================

I wasn't around when this debate took place but it seems logical that
the reason strings were given methods is because all of the functions in
the string module take a string to work on as their first parameter. 
All, that is, except for join().  join() works on a list, not a string. 
The only string join() takes is that optional separator, sep.  So I
guess TPTB decided that this would be what the string object would be
used for when calling join() as a method, rather than leaving join()
out.  It makes some degree of sense, even though I agree that it's a
tricky concept to grasp.

> Is there any special reason why you didn't do it this way?

Brevity, I expect, but by all means do it the other way if you find it
clearer.  The string module may be considered by some to be obsolete but
I don't think it's going to be deprecated any time soon.  

Even clearer (though much slower) would be the manual approach:

newstr = None
for s in strlist:
    if newstr is None:
        newstr = s
        newstr = newstr + sep + s

Just because shortcuts exist doesn't mean they have to be used.  :-)

> I'm amazed that the Python Elves know what do to with the '' at the
> beginning, but then I guess that's just magic for you =8).

I actually find it more amazing that the "elves" know what to do with
the dot and the function call at the end.  Directly using a literal as
an object just seems really weird to me.  Nevertheless it is quite neat,
and handy at times.

BTW you can also subscript string literals (and lists) directly, e.g.:

>>> "hey there"[2:5]
'y t'
>>> [1, 2, 3, 4][1:3]
[2, 3]

When I first saw this I thought, "Huh?  There's a subscript there but no
variable!"  Took me a few minutes to realize that the literal _was_ the
variable, and my head was spinning the rest of the day.

Paul Sidorsky                                          Calgary, Canada
paulsid@shaw.ca                        http://members.shaw.ca/paulsid/