[Tutor] How to import my own module

runsun runsun@bilbo.bio.purdue.edu
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 14:54:39 -0500

How can I import my own module and use the
functions/classes/variables that are defined in
that module ?

Should I put it in the /usr/local/bin/python folder?
Should I be a root in order to do so ? Or I can put
it in the same folder in which the calling cgi resides?

I've looked all over the net and couldn't find anything 
on this.

Oh, btw, thx to all those people who responded to my
previous question.


      ~~ Be like water, be shapeless ~~
Runsun Pan, PhD, Biological Sci. Purdue Univ
Email: runsun@bilbo.bio.purdue.edu
Url : http://bilbo.bio.purdue.edu/~runsun
Tel : 765-496-4186(H), 765-494-4947 (O)
Fax : 775-665-1494 (USA) 094-656-8001 (Taiwan)
        (I can access both through my email)